Fare & Hours


Fare Policy

How is the trip fare calculated?

Trip fare is calculated based on the GCOO Care fee and the time duration of use.




Fare (by time)

Per minute


Ride safe and secure with GCOO Care

GCOO Care is an insurance service that provides support for injuries caused by accidents while using GCOO.


Wearing a Helmet

Do not drive while under the influence of alcohol, drugs, or narcotics.

Single Rider Only

Following traffic laws

GCOO Care is Personal Accident NOT Public Liability

Time-based fare

Pay based on the time duration of your ride

Your trip fare is calculated based on the time, in minutes, of the trip.

Keep in mind

Electric scooter and bicycle may have different fare rate. Fare rate for each model can be seen by pressing on the vehicle marker on the map.

Rates may vary based on location.

Click the vehicle markers on the map to see the exact rate.

GCOO Care free

If you return and ride again immediately, GCOO Care is free

If the battery runs low or there is a malfunction during your ride, switch to a nearby device.
You can check the remaining time for the free GCOO Care benefit on the banner below.

Drop-off Fee

Drop-off fee is charged in gray areas.

Drop-off fee is charged when the trip is completed outside the service area. The fee amount increases the farther you are from the boundary. You can check the service area by zooming out on the map.

Tap on the map to see the exact drop-off fee amount.

Drop-off surcharge occurs


When you are outside the service area, drop-off fee is not charged as long as you don't end your ride.

Learn More


Hours of Operation

Our service is available 24/7.

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